bleaah .
done anotherr 2 paintings ..
LOL. its so damm freaking fun `!
even joni is doing it now.
lol . x)))))
FUN . lol. lammer -
anyway .
boredd noww too .
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
rarrrr .
darnn boreiingg .
and came to blogg again x))
ii did some paintingg on webb .hee .
look at it `!
lol. take a look at it!
u can paint urs too.
boring till ive nth to do.
and find sumthing to do.
but this is ratherr fun. haah.
darnn boreiingg .
and came to blogg again x))
ii did some paintingg on webb .hee .
look at it `!
lol. take a look at it!
u can paint urs too.
boring till ive nth to do.
and find sumthing to do.
but this is ratherr fun. haah.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
hmmm .
so boredd now :(
listening to JAYCHOU's song.
simple rawks <33
hmmm bored shytt .
so do aa surveryy . bleahh x))
boring until lydat. =X
01) Are you in love / hmm.
02) Are you gay / of cus not.
03) Are you studying / yeh
04) Are you below 18 / uhuh .
05) Are you above 14 / nope
06) Are you a good kisser / hmm. how would i noe!
07) Do you dance / not gud .
08) Do you sing / yupps x)) esp. JAYCHOU'S
09) Do you follow your parent's orders / depends .lol
10) Are you looking for some1 to haf an affair with / comments
11) Do you believe in God and Jesus Christ / dunno.
12) Do you believe that Satan exists / duno
13) Do you promise to do better in school now than you did b4 in secondary
sch or in the past college years / duno.
14) Do you like cats / SUCKS
15) How about dogs / cute! but afraid .
16) How about monkeys / cute! (((:
17) Do you like books / NO.
18) Do you read the Bible / no.
19) Do you believe in it / no .
20) Would you kiss britney spears in the lips if you had the chance / nuts
21) Would you kiss angelina jolie in the lips / nuts
22) Did you ever, in your whole life, find someone of the same gender attractive
enough to make u 'gay' for a minute / wtf ? NO WAY.
23) Have you ever been to a concert / yups =)
24) Have you ever been inside a bar / no.
25) Have you ever been on stage / yeh
26) Have you ever thought of killing someone / no
27) Have you ever hurt someone physically / yeh
28) How about emotionally / yups.
29) Have you ever been into so much pain before that you almost gave up / uh
30) Have you ever been in a dark room alone / guess so.
31) Have you ever been attracted to a teacher . naah
32) Do you miss someone right now / yeaah x((
33) Have you ever lost something/someone beforethat you want back now /no.
34) If you are given a chance to bring back time and change something, would
you do it / the time with ...
35) Did you enjoy this survey / wadeva. im jus bored
one word . boredd.
raaah .
so boredd now :(
listening to JAYCHOU's song.
simple rawks <33
hmmm bored shytt .
so do aa surveryy . bleahh x))
boring until lydat. =X
01) Are you in love / hmm.
02) Are you gay / of cus not.
03) Are you studying / yeh
04) Are you below 18 / uhuh .
05) Are you above 14 / nope
06) Are you a good kisser / hmm. how would i noe!
07) Do you dance / not gud .
08) Do you sing / yupps x)) esp. JAYCHOU'S
09) Do you follow your parent's orders / depends .lol
10) Are you looking for some1 to haf an affair with / comments
11) Do you believe in God and Jesus Christ / dunno.
12) Do you believe that Satan exists / duno
13) Do you promise to do better in school now than you did b4 in secondary
sch or in the past college years / duno.
14) Do you like cats / SUCKS
15) How about dogs / cute! but afraid .
16) How about monkeys / cute! (((:
17) Do you like books / NO.
18) Do you read the Bible / no.
19) Do you believe in it / no .
20) Would you kiss britney spears in the lips if you had the chance / nuts
21) Would you kiss angelina jolie in the lips / nuts
22) Did you ever, in your whole life, find someone of the same gender attractive
enough to make u 'gay' for a minute / wtf ? NO WAY.
23) Have you ever been to a concert / yups =)
24) Have you ever been inside a bar / no.
25) Have you ever been on stage / yeh
26) Have you ever thought of killing someone / no
27) Have you ever hurt someone physically / yeh
28) How about emotionally / yups.
29) Have you ever been into so much pain before that you almost gave up / uh
30) Have you ever been in a dark room alone / guess so.
31) Have you ever been attracted to a teacher . naah
32) Do you miss someone right now / yeaah x((
33) Have you ever lost something/someone beforethat you want back now /no.
34) If you are given a chance to bring back time and change something, would
you do it / the time with ...
35) Did you enjoy this survey / wadeva. im jus bored
one word . boredd.
raaah .
waaooo .
ystdd was lyk too tired.
so didnnt have that tyme to post.
but NOW. im posting!
heeepppss .
nice day with lynnette n joni.
den me and lynn met at mrt station.
denn we went to orchard.
we shop at heeren for bout 1 hr?
and joni havent reached.
bleah. SO LATE.
we were lyk dying out of hunger.
and thirst..
finally when joni reached.
we actually wanted to go PS .
BUT. joni brought us to nowhere.
we ended up eating mac.
in orchard emerald.
or dunno wadss dattt laa ..
we went back to heerens agaiin.
andd took alot of neos.
den we were taking pictures with joni's cam.

ME AND JONI. smile!

US. muackks
yups. these were taken in the neo shop.
lol. so zilian huh .
all photos taken with joni's cam .
yupp x))
den we were lyk shopping?
without buying anythiingg laahh .
we jus took neos.
and there goes my $9 ?
aaah . den we walked around whole mall .
and decided to go to J8 ,
to look for lynette's dadd .
on the way to J8 ..
on the mrt. we took pics again! yups.

yeh. we love to act x))


in the mrt. we are too zilian. :P
oh yeh.
too ziliann bahh ?
wahahahas :DD
but anyways, thats US!
iiLOVE them so mucchh .
joni rebornned her hair, so did lynnette.
wahahas :D
both of them become SOO PRETTAY.
bleaahhh . den we reached j8.
went to look for her dad.
and shopped around there a while.
den wennt home.
joni camme to myy house .
and yah! we took pics agaiin. hee ..
denn at 8 she wennt home :)
love ystd.
lovee yaa guys much .
ystdd was lyk too tired.
so didnnt have that tyme to post.
but NOW. im posting!
heeepppss .
nice day with lynnette n joni.
den me and lynn met at mrt station.
denn we went to orchard.
we shop at heeren for bout 1 hr?
and joni havent reached.
bleah. SO LATE.
we were lyk dying out of hunger.
and thirst..
finally when joni reached.
we actually wanted to go PS .
BUT. joni brought us to nowhere.
we ended up eating mac.
in orchard emerald.
or dunno wadss dattt laa ..
we went back to heerens agaiin.
andd took alot of neos.
den we were taking pictures with joni's cam.

ME AND JONI. smile!

US. muackks
yups. these were taken in the neo shop.
lol. so zilian huh .
all photos taken with joni's cam .
yupp x))
den we were lyk shopping?
without buying anythiingg laahh .
we jus took neos.
and there goes my $9 ?
aaah . den we walked around whole mall .
and decided to go to J8 ,
to look for lynette's dadd .
on the way to J8 ..
on the mrt. we took pics again! yups.

yeh. we love to act x))


in the mrt. we are too zilian. :P
oh yeh.
too ziliann bahh ?
wahahahas :DD
but anyways, thats US!
iiLOVE them so mucchh .
joni rebornned her hair, so did lynnette.
wahahas :D
both of them become SOO PRETTAY.
bleaahhh . den we reached j8.
went to look for her dad.
and shopped around there a while.
den wennt home.
joni camme to myy house .
and yah! we took pics agaiin. hee ..
denn at 8 she wennt home :)
love ystd.
lovee yaa guys much .
Thursday, November 24, 2005
ONE MORE DAY + nite.
is 26thh novembberr .HEEPPPS.
a happiest dayy of my lyfe.
LOL. as if..
jus being exagerratingg.
its lyk.. going out with JONI .
the longg frenn ii had. long?
LOL. waoooh`
so highh noow maanns .
miiss themm muchh lykk nuts.
yuppoes. iim nuuts *
we are going bugis..den heeren..den..
WAO LOTTS . lol..
frmm 11.30 onwardds ..the day is OURS.
bleaaahh x)
i awaiit thhaa daayy .
blaahblaahh .
todayy is 24th novemberr .
which is P6's nicest dayy .lol ?
getting theiir results.
me prettay sister XINLIN ..
got 249. isnt datt greatt !
shes comiing anderson.
heeepppps x)
LOL. yah ..
and Chenjun got 204. if im not wrong.
okok ~~ all go express (((:
clever gals and boys.
wahahaha =)) awaiting school .
blwaah .MISS SCHOOL .
really nuts now ..
reall boreiing at home laahhs .
gonna ROTT
mapplingg craze. LAME SHYTT ..
but anywayys .LOVEIT.
is 26thh novembberr .HEEPPPS.
a happiest dayy of my lyfe.
LOL. as if..
jus being exagerratingg.
its lyk.. going out with JONI .
the longg frenn ii had. long?
LOL. waoooh`
so highh noow maanns .
miiss themm muchh lykk nuts.
yuppoes. iim nuuts *
we are going bugis..den heeren..den..
WAO LOTTS . lol..
frmm 11.30 onwardds ..the day is OURS.
bleaaahh x)
i awaiit thhaa daayy .
blaahblaahh .
todayy is 24th novemberr .
which is P6's nicest dayy .lol ?
getting theiir results.
me prettay sister XINLIN ..
got 249. isnt datt greatt !
shes comiing anderson.
heeepppps x)
LOL. yah ..
and Chenjun got 204. if im not wrong.
okok ~~ all go express (((:
clever gals and boys.
wahahaha =)) awaiting school .
blwaah .MISS SCHOOL .
really nuts now ..
reall boreiing at home laahhs .
gonna ROTT
mapplingg craze. LAME SHYTT ..
but anywayys .LOVEIT.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
taaadaaa `!
-my neew skiin wahahas .
garreeenn <3
hmmms ..anywayys ,
seems lykk everything is green .
my blog, my tagboard ..
my frennsterr profille eveenn `!
AND.. dunno wadd else.
wahahahass .
heeeps ~!
26th november going out with joni.
andd lynette too :D
muacck <3
miss both of them.
bleeaahhh ..
i wan school plss .
1 monthh and 13 days more.
if im not wronng yehh ..
-my neew skiin wahahas .
garreeenn <3
hmmms ..anywayys ,
seems lykk everything is green .
my blog, my tagboard ..
my frennsterr profille eveenn `!
AND.. dunno wadd else.
wahahahass .
heeeps ~!
26th november going out with joni.
andd lynette too :D
muacck <3
miss both of them.
bleeaahhh ..
i wan school plss .
1 monthh and 13 days more.
if im not wronng yehh ..
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
heiiooss .
wahahas :D 11.46 plus now.
still onliine n0ww ..
latte huhss .
for miie its quiite baahh .
yupps. crapp ..
anywae , todayy is niice day =))
becus went out wib a chiobu`!
lols :DD
hrmmss . we went to causeway .
and eat... LOL .
pasta maniia .pizzah agaiin ..
but . YUMMY =))
hees. we went there to eat onlyy.
suppose we are shoppingg.
but.. so siian .
so wennt tuu J8 .
even more siian. but at least ..
we LOVE that placce .
LOL. so we wonte feel bored? lol ..
crapp laa . den saw campus superstar.
funnaayy . heess =)
so bravve. and alot ppl participating.
after dat . met alicia.
haha. datt enthu giirl girll ..
hahahas .
damm hell enthu derhhs :DD
and me and andreaa...
walkk around J8 for abouut lykk ..
more den 5 rounds ?!
LOL. yehh. guess so bahhss :D
lol .. but..really nice dayy.
finally iim out of jaiil todayy .
all ii care bout now is..
:D iloveit . lammerr. bleeahh -
wahahas :D 11.46 plus now.
still onliine n0ww ..
latte huhss .
for miie its quiite baahh .
yupps. crapp ..
anywae , todayy is niice day =))
becus went out wib a chiobu`!
lols :DD
hrmmss . we went to causeway .
and eat... LOL .
pasta maniia .pizzah agaiin ..
but . YUMMY =))
hees. we went there to eat onlyy.
suppose we are shoppingg.
but.. so siian .
so wennt tuu J8 .
even more siian. but at least ..
we LOVE that placce .
LOL. so we wonte feel bored? lol ..
crapp laa . den saw campus superstar.
funnaayy . heess =)
so bravve. and alot ppl participating.
after dat . met alicia.
haha. datt enthu giirl girll ..
hahahas .
damm hell enthu derhhs :DD
and me and andreaa...
walkk around J8 for abouut lykk ..
more den 5 rounds ?!
LOL. yehh. guess so bahhss :D
lol .. but..really nice dayy.
finally iim out of jaiil todayy .
all ii care bout now is..
:D iloveit . lammerr. bleeahh -
Friday, November 18, 2005
jus woke up from sleep .
bleahh x)
sleeppyy . hmmmss ,
nthh muchh today at all .
another boreiing day ...
there are 46 more boreing days to go on.
how is it possible!?
nothing to do ..
and tmr . have to go to sch...
whichh sucks to the idiot core.
cant be bothered man .
but too badd . mr ang therre ..
no reason not to go.
wad is FUG? wahahahss :))
boreing shyt CCA .
sucks man . duno why the hell have such cca.
EAT SHIET .bullShyt .
too vulgar n0w laahs.
but really damm suckyy cca .
aww , iim quitting anywaayy laahhs.
nort onlyy miie ,
but alort morre peoplle lorhhs .
see how sucky it is...
duno why the hell im iin thiis cca .
but anywae , really do suckk alot lyk hell .
donte know if its accurate.
cus i thot schh will be reopen on the third.
hahahas :DD
hope so yeh. fucking miss sch.
bleahh x)
sleeppyy . hmmmss ,
nthh muchh today at all .
another boreiing day ...
there are 46 more boreing days to go on.
how is it possible!?
nothing to do ..
and tmr . have to go to sch...
whichh sucks to the idiot core.
cant be bothered man .
but too badd . mr ang therre ..
no reason not to go.
wad is FUG? wahahahss :))
boreing shyt CCA .
sucks man . duno why the hell have such cca.
EAT SHIET .bullShyt .
too vulgar n0w laahs.
but really damm suckyy cca .
aww , iim quitting anywaayy laahhs.
nort onlyy miie ,
but alort morre peoplle lorhhs .
see how sucky it is...
duno why the hell im iin thiis cca .
but anywae , really do suckk alot lyk hell .
donte know if its accurate.
cus i thot schh will be reopen on the third.
hahahas :DD
hope so yeh. fucking miss sch.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
happieBUrfdayy :D
lols. wahahas..
alldebes myy bro :)) guaii bro.
wahahas. nuutss .
hmmmmms ,
boreiing holidays.
but today `!
wennt tuu J8 neehhs :))
wahahahass .
withh someonne laahhs . =X
gal gal . heeees .
carnnt post herre..becus..
wennt to take neos :)
agaiin . butt..
did not eat until now .
nothiing .
jus ate old chang kee ..
and corochan :) hahass .
miss datt so muchh noww .
haha. andd we did sumthing childish.
something lyk painting..
using the paint frm bottle..
squeeze out and colour the sumthiing.
difficult to describe
cus ii dunno wads dat calledd -
LOL. lamme la ..
but damm fun. had lots fun
afterr dat we wennt shoppiingg.
and i bought a shoulder bag.
wahahass :D
actually donnte really lyk it.
jus wann spendd moneyy .LOL.
jokiing.. jus regret .
hmms. shldd buy emily strange another shop.
hees . wanted to look for my cousin .
but didnt .cus went home after dat..
so tiredd laas .
wanted to take my jaychou cd frm yuezheng.
November's Choppin'
if iim n0rt wronng laahhss .
anyhow sayy de.LOL..
but he haviing tutionn laahhss `!!
haiiz. my jaychouu .
lols . hmm .
nice day todayye.
onlyy todayy lahhss ..
nxt tyme i guess n0rt anymore.
boreiingg .
LOL. damm longg .
if iim not wrong ,
its 47 dayys laahh .
jus took the calenndar out .
and counted
miiss my girlfrenns alott :))
happieBUrfdayy :D
lols. wahahas..
alldebes myy bro :)) guaii bro.
wahahas. nuutss .
hmmmmms ,
boreiing holidays.
but today `!
wennt tuu J8 neehhs :))
wahahahass .
withh someonne laahhs . =X
gal gal . heeees .
carnnt post herre..becus..
wennt to take neos :)
agaiin . butt..
did not eat until now .
nothiing .
jus ate old chang kee ..
and corochan :) hahass .
miss datt so muchh noww .
haha. andd we did sumthing childish.
something lyk painting..
using the paint frm bottle..
squeeze out and colour the sumthiing.
difficult to describe
cus ii dunno wads dat calledd -
LOL. lamme la ..
but damm fun. had lots fun
afterr dat we wennt shoppiingg.
and i bought a shoulder bag.
wahahass :D
actually donnte really lyk it.
jus wann spendd moneyy .LOL.
jokiing.. jus regret .
hmms. shldd buy emily strange another shop.
hees . wanted to look for my cousin .
but didnt .cus went home after dat..
so tiredd laas .
wanted to take my jaychou cd frm yuezheng.
November's Choppin'
if iim n0rt wronng laahhss .
anyhow sayy de.LOL..
but he haviing tutionn laahhss `!!
haiiz. my jaychouu .
lols . hmm .
nice day todayye.
onlyy todayy lahhss ..
nxt tyme i guess n0rt anymore.
boreiingg .
LOL. damm longg .
if iim not wrong ,
its 47 dayys laahh .
jus took the calenndar out .
and counted
miiss my girlfrenns alott :))
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005
BOO `!
didnnt post for a long tyme.
yeh sure long.
veryy long tiime since one.
becus my comp broke d0wn.
its NUTS ...!
and went for repaiir ..
until n0w , its fine .
miss so much of the computer .
the typing. LOL .
hmmm. feelinng much better frm sick
ii changed my skin again.
feeling so sick of theese skinss man..
hmm ...
today my mommy's burfdae (:
went to junction8 .
have dinnerr . hahah .
nothing muchh laah .
very boredd during the holidays :(
didnnt post for a long tyme.
yeh sure long.
veryy long tiime since one.
becus my comp broke d0wn.
its NUTS ...!
and went for repaiir ..
until n0w , its fine .
miss so much of the computer .
the typing. LOL .
hmmm. feelinng much better frm sick
ii changed my skin again.
feeling so sick of theese skinss man..
hmm ...
today my mommy's burfdae (:
went to junction8 .
have dinnerr . hahah .
nothing muchh laah .
very boredd during the holidays :(
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