Saturday, May 06, 2006

[1] What color is most reflective of you?
- black and white :)

[2] How did you get the idea for your profile name?
- my name :D

[3] What time were you born?
- arnd 3 plus i thinkk .

[4] What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing?
- playing .. guo min by rainie yang :)

[5] Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry?
- not really.

[6] What color shirt are you wearing?
- bluue and white

[7] Do you want a baby?
- future.

[8] What do you wish to do now?

[9] Whats the highlight of your day?
- noone. sleep!

[10] What is your pet's name?
- no pet pls

[11] What color are your bed sheets?
- hello kitty. yellow, and pink. LOL

[12] What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?
- 7096

[13] What was the last concert you attended?
- jolin's. long time ago can!

[14] Who was with you?
- peggy, germaine and her mom.

[15] What was the last movie you saw? With?
- I.M.3! with jc, yz leonard olivia :D

[16] Who do you dislike most at this moment?
- hmmm, sumone. duh

[17] What food do you Crave right now?
- noone.

[18] Did you dream last night?
- i nva dream any dreams.HAHA

[19] What was the last TV show you watched?
- a comedy. lol

[20] What is your fave piece of jewelry?
- earrings of mine :) are they jewelleries? LOL

[21] What is to the left of you?
- window ?

[22] What was the last thing you ate?
- chewing gum, like now!

[23] Who is your best friend of the opposite sex?
- hm, those guys i hang out with :) ilovethem.

[24] Write part of a song lyric that's in your head !
- im forced to fake, a smile a laugh, everyday of my life. my heart cant possibly break when it wasnt even whole to start with ! - kellyclarkson, BECOSOFYOU!

[25] Who's the last to chat with you?
- errr , jonathan chang

[27] Do you have a crush?
- do i ?

[28] What is his/her name?
- i dONT noe

[29] When was the last time you cut your hair?
- not sure, but cutting it soon !

[31] Do you have a mental disease?
- yesyes. I DO!

[32] What shirt are you wearing?
- shirt. lor

[33] What time is it?
- 4.30.

[34] What color is your razor?
- razor ? for wad ?

[35] What is your fave frozen treat?
- dONT noe

[36] Are you sexy?
- nah.

[37] What's your favorite store?
- hmm, any store i love. LOL

[38] Are you thirsty?
- nah.

[39] Can you imagine yourself ever getting married?
- not really. !

[40] Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and missed?
- YOU LAAH ! .

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