Finally have time to .
hahahah !
Have been mappling alot this few days .
& i met sooo much lovelayyyyyes ((((x
MissyPlNKS is 40 now :x.
hehhehh .
Went to sch today .
went down to assembly with a eff-ing bad moood ;
Probably because , sight of some one , makes us puke .
Us meant , me sher & kim .
0kay, had bfast this morninq .
Talked to Pamela about THAT F-ING PERSON ,
0kay ,
After that was social studies , spent the time slpinq . :DD
Then, was POA .
After recess , had chemistry .
Mr ang came to nag again .
about the , ' staying in class during assembly ' thing .
Which , he was talkinq about us , obviously .
& other things .
After school ,
went to Hub .
had lunch .
Sher treated me fish & chips :D.
Walk arnd thr .
and , im thinking about buying a new BLACK jacket.
After that, went to cc for abt. 15 mins -.-
& went home.
I edited the maple SS-es i toook few days ago during the weekends :DD.
i lovelove them lah .!
Includinq my money darling :D
She bought me hula hooooopppppp .!
Cheeeeeers .
Click on the picture ! :DDD .

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