Redwan Ali's - Would you be there .
ITS LIKE SO NICE CAN #$%%^$^## .
Went out at arnd 2+ today .
to J8 with jc .
Cos he wanna buy smthng . hehehhhe.
den on bus , saw Weilun and jiahua .
chatted .
alight .
and they wanna go arcade ._.
so went thr .
but in e end , saw some pple outsid the arcade.
then , urh .. smthng happnd .
so me and jc walkd passed .
but weilun and jiahua walkd back .
went to fairprice.
bought a bottle of water .
and went back to J8 again .
bought Present (:
den went weilun called me .
went to KFC to find them , jon ong was thr too .
then chatd .
and went home aft that .
came home .
and comp-ed .
sis wasnt at home th whole day .
teeheeeees :D.
audi-ed .
with very terrible feelinqs .
then came here.
and did online shopping (x
thr's so much i wanna buy !
but i decided to buy one top . and the heart necklace :D .
NICEY . (:


the necklace i want x)))) .
alright .
on phone with sherlin now. (:
ouhkay .
smthng happnd .
but its fine now i guess =/
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